Tripcel blog

Unveiling Tripcel Affiliate Platform


Say Hello to eSIM Affiliate!

In a groundbreaking move that is set to reshape the travel landscape, Tripcel has officially launched its highly anticipated affiliate platform, ushering in a new era of B2B sales in Africa, Asia, and Europe. With an astounding 60 sign-ups on the very first day of the announcement, the response has been nothing short of phenomenal, underlining the immense potential and enthusiasm within the reseller community.

Empowering Resellers Through Innovation:

Tripcel’s foray into the realm of affiliate marketing represents a strategic pivot towards empowering resellers and facilitating seamless partnerships across diverse regions. By harnessing the power of this innovative platform, resellers now have unprecedented access to a comprehensive suite of tools, resources, and opportunities to expand their business horizons and maximise their earning potential.

Facilitating Growth Through Collaboration:

At the heart of Tripcel’s affiliate platform lies a commitment to fostering collaborative relationships and driving mutual growth. To join this revolution, resellers can follow these simple steps:

1. Visit

2. Register your details

3. A pending email will be sent to you

4. Our team will review it and send you an approval email

5. Your login details can be used to sign in

Seamless Reselling Experience:

  • Once approved, resellers can access a multitude of features, including the ability to:
  • Get the link from your platform with a unique referral ID to resell Tripcel offerings
  • Access your platform and check the inflow and outflow of sales from your dashboard
  • Monitor your performance and track your success in real-time

Looking Towards the Future:

As Tripcel continues to expand its reach and offerings, the future looks promising for resellers seeking to carve out their niche in the competitive travel market. With a dynamic affiliate platform as their ally, resellers can look forward to a journey filled with growth, opportunities, and unparalleled support from a trusted partner in Tripcel.


Stay tuned as Tripcel’s affiliate platform revolutionises the B2B sales landscape, one reseller at a time, and paves the way for a brighter, more prosperous future in the world of travel commerce. Join the movement today and be a part of this transformative journey with Tripcel – where success knows no bounds!

Bessie Simpson
Bessie Simpson

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